
#36 Pilvi Juvonen: Finnish Wingsuit Record holder, Chief Instructor & Flight Master: Indoor Wingsuit Tunnel Stockholm

Checking in mit Pilvi Juvonen, finnish skydiver who works as a Chief Instructor & Flight Master in the Indoor Wingsuit Tunnel in Stockholm, Sweden

Athletic background:

  • Phoenix-Fly Coach rating in March 2014 and Phoenix-Fly Coach Examiner rating in July 2015

With my Team Skymess I joined the following competitions:

  • 1st in 2014 in 7th International Acrobatic Wingsuit Competition in intermediate category
  • 5th in 2015 in 8th International Acrobatic Wingsuit Competition in advanced category
  • 1st in 2016 in Finnish Nationals in advanced category
  • 4th in 2016 in 1st FAI Acrobatic Wingsuit Flying Championship
  • 4th in 2018 in 2nd FAI Acrobatic Wingsuit Flying Championship

2016 Finnish Wingsuit Record (largest formation without grips) and Finnish Woman’s Wingsuit Record (largest formation without grips). We did both records on the same jump. I was both organizer and participant.

2017 the first Flight Master in the world’s first Indoor Wingsuit Tunnel in Stockholm, Sweden

We talk about:

  • how she got involved in the Indoor Wingsuit Tunnel in Stockholm, Sweden
  • about her Wingsuit Team and competition
  • how she managed to jump the Finnish Record and what mental aspects played into that
  • Pilvi’s work in the Wingsuit Tunnel, how you get started to fly 
  • about Pro Pilot training and Ski hub jumpers training
  • Mental aspects in the tunnel flying

Bookings in the Indoor Wingsuit Stockholm Tunnel:
Bookings can be done on our webpage. Any information needed you can also contact me by e-mail: pilvi@inclined.se

Pilvi Juvonen on Facebook
Pilvi Juvonen on Instagram
Indoor Wingsuit Stockholm